I’ve moved nine times in the past nine years, and that does not include all my moves back home in the summers during college. In the most recent section of those nine years, I had a good job and was making good money. And suddenly, all my friends, even the single ones, were buying houses. So what did I want to do? Buy a house, of course!
Fortunately, I have a real estate agent for a stepmom, and she saved me from the temptation time and time again. I was still on the move during those years, no longer than two years in one place. There’s a rule of thumb that Shelly (my stepmom) would always talk about. Something about buying a house only being a good financial decision if a person intended to live there for a certain amount of time, or longer.
“But I can rent it out when I move,” I’d protest. Or, “My friend’s house has increased $50,000 just in the last six months.” That was in San Diego, by the way. But still, I took Shelly’s advice and am very happy that I held off.
This summer, I made what I hope will be my final move for a long time. I’m also engaged now, planning a wedding for next year. Only now, for real, is it the right time to be thinking about buying a house. I’m not in a rush; I’m just ready to start learning.
I’ll admit, I don’t know the first thing about real estate. Really, the only things I do know are from Shelly, questions I’ve slipped in at the dinner table. Poor Shelly probably feels like she’s working all the time. If I’m not hounding her, than my brother or one of her three sons probably are. What can we say? Free advice!
Now that I’m actually going to be in the market soon for a house, I’m worried about hounding her even more. I figured I might as well let her answer my questions online. That way, an infinite amount of other people can learn alongside me.
My inspiration comes from my past ‘no-question-is-a-dumb-question’ teachers. What was it that they’d lecture? Something like, “Don’t be afraid to ask questions. For every one you ask, there could be ten students who wanted to know, but were afraid to ask.”
The theory is the same here on the blog. Our format is simple: I’ll type a question, Shelly will answer it. We hope you enjoy reading my questions and her answers.
Happy learning,
Megan Field
The Question-Asker
(The house above looks just a little bit exactly like the house I hope to have someday)