Question: It seems like people are obsessed with school districts. I don't have kids, so I don't really care if I buy a house in a good school district. Should I care, for resale value?
Clients with children are looking for a certain school district for a variety of reasons. It is up to them to do their own "due diligence" in determining what programs are important or sometimes crucial for their child. Different districts within a county offer different programs. Many times, clients with kids want to keep their student with their friends in the same school. That narrows their search.
Clients without children have other specific wants and needs for a house that doesn't include the school district. Thurston County has very good schools across the county. In your case, I would recommend that you assess how long it will be before you do have children, how long you plan to be in the house and do some research on the status of schools in the area you plan to buy.