Question: I’ve heard of people talking their houses on and off the market. Why do they do that? Can a house listing expire? Is it a bad sign if a house has been on and off the market? How would you know if a house is in this category?
Answer:People have many reasons for canceling a listing. It could be because of personal issues like health. They may just be tired of having the sign up with the chance of someone calling to want to see the house when it isn't in tip-top condition. You are always "on show" when the house is listed. There is a portion of the listing your agent has access to that tells you the "property history". It tells us when it has been on and off the market. They house listing can expire. I extend many listing with a "status change" form. When a listing does expire, the client should be warned of other agents calling them to ask for the listing. They can be quite persistent.