Question: What is a bank-owned home? How do you buy one and what are the advantages and disadvantages?
A bank owns a home after the property gets to the foreclosure stage. To buy a foreclosed home, you should contact a Realtor in your area after meeting with a lender to determine loan programs that might work with a bank-owned home. There are MANY foreclosed homes available today. The process of buying is quite similar to buying any home. You get pre-approved with a lender (if you don't have cash), search for the right home, make an offer, and wait to hear from the bank.
The advantage of buying a foreclosed home could be the "deal" you get buying a home at a lower than normal price. That is the advantage. Disadvantages are many. First, it is more tedious working with a bank as a seller than with an owner. The process is lengthy as the bank has it's own addendums that can change time frames. They many times will be looking for a higer offer, too. Patience and perserverence are key to buying foreclosed properties. Also, you have to do your homework to determine what it will cost to fix up a home that may have significant deferrred maintaintenance issues. Sellers who are losing their home to a bank often reak havoc on the home, yanking out anything from cabinets, to plumbing. It can be a nightmare. There are renovation or construction loans available.