What's the deal with that magic palm pilot you carry around?
I love technology! I had a Palm Pilot for a couple of years before investing in my Palm Treo 750 phone. The Treo is compatible with Supra E-Key software. It took me a few weeks to adapt to the new phone, but now I love it. So what is E-key software
? This program downloads updates from Northwest Multiple listings when it syncs with my computer. My phone is a computer that allows me to have up to the minute listing information when I am out showing houses. It also has the capability to open up Supra key boxes on homes throughout the Northwest MLS region. It has to be updated every day, but does so automatically at night while I sleep! I put in a number on my phone's key pad, press okay, point the infared at the box and it magically produces a key! Is there ever a problem? Not so much with the new phone, but yes, occasionally something doesn't work. Another very important feature for homeowners is: the keybox records the user of the box and their agent knows who has shown the house. That is important for communication and security reasons. It is fun to let kids try the magic phone as they become my junior agent assistant!