Setting: Olympia Washington area. Saturday 2 pm
Weather: Sunny, but cool
Place of Origin: Greene Realty Group office parking lot
Characters: Shelly the Realtor and Elizabeth the buyer
Background: Elizabeth attended Nona Woodard & Shelly Field's first home buyers' seminar in January 2009! She was a strong contributor to the class and showed an advanced knowledge & interest in the home buying process. Our next class is April 18th. Contact Shelly or Nona to sign up.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Adventure Begins
After circling the area in shear anticipation, Elizabeth gets a call from Shelly before 2 pm (the designated meet time) telling her that "we can leave early if she likes". Of course, the buyer is only blocks away just waiting for the Realtor call. (Realtor could have called earlier had she known by the way.)
Buyer zips into the parking lot and parks. She heads to the Realtor's car with brown portfolio in hand and a smile on her face. She is ready, but she is nervous. We greet one another and go over the Realtor's clipboard of house listings (in the biz we call it "agent detail reports"). Our itinerary is set. Realtor grabs the trusty GPS and starts feeding it the first address in the Delphi Country Club. The "voice of the GPS lady" interrupts the visiting with instructions on where to turn. Realtor is heavy into technology and also has the bluetooth speaker attached to the visor. Realtor likes the speaker but hasn't yet figured out how to change the lovely ladies speech to English. So, between the GPS gal and the speaker lady saying "la connectshion" or something like that, it got a little annoying. But buyer and Realtor are in good humor so it becomes a joke rather than an irritation. After all, Shelly spent all the money on the marvelous gadgetry and it must be used , right?
The duo gets to the very first house and Shelly thinks Elizabeth might hyperventilate. Realtor didn't think to bring a brown paper lunch sack for such occurences! However, calmness prevailed as they make their way down the walk to the front door of this lovely home. Here Shelly uses another piece of technology, the "smart phone". It is a Treo 755 that does everything the other stuff doesn't do; in this case it uses the infared to get the girls into the house via a keybox. Shelly punches in the secret code that is updated nightly via the wireless world and the right noises beep from the box and their is the key and they are inside!
Oh dear! The buyer likes the first house. She is in disbelief that it is really HER in a house that could someday be her own! What an incredible feeling it was for both. Shelly can get just as emotional along with the buyer. We take a look around. Realtor is pointing out the kitchen features (as if she couldn't tell herself) etc, etc. All the while buyer is almost swooning with delight. The house felt great. We started "cooling down" however after a visit to the utility room. In this home that happens to be the garage, not insulated by the way. The bedrooms were a bit of a disappointment along with the small master bath. Elizabeth has been hoping for a five piece bath including the soaking tub. We walked the outside perimeter noting likes and dislikes. It was a great first house to see.
House number two was a few miles away still in west Olympia. It is a two story newer home in a nice area on a small lot. It was an easy house to eliminate with few areas of interest.
Okay, then; off to house number three also in west Olympia. Now remember, that part of Shelly's job is to set up appointments with people who live in the home. This next house had tenants and they require 24 hours notice. Realtor called 48 hours ahead and left a message with the agent in charge. Not hearing back, Realtor called on Saturday morning to check availabitlity to show. Agent assured Realtor that appointment was set with tenant. Elizabeth and I arrive at home and are a bit sheepish immediately. Deferred maintenance is staring us in the face, but not to be deterred, we walk towards the door. The keybox opens, I take out the key and Elizabeth and I are commenting on the two overlowing bowls of cigarette butts on one side of the porch and the shovel by the door. Do we need the shovel as a weapon for protection? I gingerly open the door and peek in. Loud barking greets me and I see several small dogs heading our way: yip, yip, yip.............YIKES. We moved quickly in reverse in the "startled" mode. Behind the four little pomeranian watch dogs came a women wrapped in a blanket with sleep on her face. I explained why I was walking into her house and she was dazed. She hadn't listened to the voice mail. Perhaps the agent had left a message. In the meantime, the dogs had burst out the door and were heading into the culdesac with woman in blanket chasing them to no avail. We apologized several times and headed for the car. She insisted we come in; we said not today and made our way to the next house in a hurry laughing as we left.
Oh my. So much for the house in Goldcrest. What I saw in my brief peek around the corner was kind of frightening even without the dogs and occupant. We were off towards Lacey and more houses in the Classic Heights area.
The last house was a charmer. Elizabeth fell in love with the light, bright interior, the large master with soaking tub and shower, the large kitchen, big utility and the split bedroom plan. Buyer really likes this house. We decide to bring in the family to take a look and schedule a second visit on Sunday morning. In the meantime, Realtor calls the listing agent to find out there is an offer in process on the home. Now what? This is awkward because this is the first day out looking, and do we want to get into a bidding war? The family likes the house but notices some things not apparent the day before: mainly the neighbor's dog. It was out in force on Sunday barking and carrying on. This is not a small dog either. Other questions were about the vacant property across the street behind the house: could it be industrial someday meaning more traffic and noise?
Other issues included:
Buyer hadn't yet decided on loan type or been prequalified although appt was set for Tuesday.
Buyer is cautious and logical and is not in a hurry although she really likes this house
An appt is set up for Sunday with lender to discuss getting the USDA loan on this home at this address.
Buyer does get preapproved with no problem
Buyer calls Realtor and makes her decision not to make an offer yet. She is going to look more and give herself time to see more homes and not fall to the pressure another offer can pose.
Will the offer on the table go to closing? We don't know yet. We will keep you posted.
Here is the house and the potential buyer:
Elizabeth with her portfolio on the porch of her potential first home! Look for the next picture after our next home tour.