t is a lovely day today. The sun is shining, the wind is still; a lovely day to be moving. But what is Elizabeth doing? She is not moving, she is packing for the move. She is not loading and unloading because the documents from the seller (who is in San Antonio) are not back yet and that means the transaction has not recorded with Thurston County. In the state of Washington the buyer cannot be the new occupant until that is complete. So my dear Elizabeth was very brave and went through signing her stack of documents without a tear (maybe just a couple) and without too much whining.
Elizabeth and lender, Nona across from me at the closing table. Notice they are smiling and looking very coordinated colorwise!
Elizabeth was true to form. She began begging towards the end of the signing asking if we couldn't copy a key and drop it by her feet, maybe leave the patio slider unlocked, or justoutright break in with her?
I would have been shocked if I didn't already recognize her sense of humor. So we wait and she packs and Nona & I taught another 1st Time Homebuyers' Class today. Did Elizabeth's name come up? Only about 5 times. It was all good. Really it was.
She will move in and you will hear more about it!