L & B have a house under contract after attending a home buyers' seminar, working with their lender to be preapproved for the loan, making offers on four houses before getting one accepted!
John Brinton from A Pro did the inspecion for L & B. He backed up the driveway in his big black rig and was ready to go. First thing we saw were those pesky carpenter ants making themselves at home around the perimeter of the home. John picked one up and showed me their "specs", the three part body and the little pincer type thing on the middle of the body. Cute little buggers? He recommended an epest site where you can get eco-friendly spray to eliminate them from your property and save your foundation.
Next, John noticed a small bird exiting a small hole under the eaves. The bird family will need to move for the house's sake.
The inspection moved from the roof to the crawl space and found no major issues. What we did discover was a dishwasher in disrepair, a rusty flu, an unserviced furnace and some other minor things. But since the price of the house is so great, there may be no concessions by the seller. This house is a foreclosure meaning no money for the seller in the deal.
The inspector gave the new buyers some home maintenance tips along with the inspection.